
The Complete Guide to Trekking Mount Rinjani

Mount Rinjani, which rises 3,726 meters above sea level, dominates the Indonesian island of Lombok.

Read More: Rinjani Trekking

Rinjani is the second-highest volcano in the nation out of 130 (Mt Kerinci on Sumatra is the highest).

The menacing silhouette of Rinjani serves as a continual reminder of the potent energies that lurk just below the earth’s surface.

Every day, hundreds of daring hikers are drawn to Rinjani by its force.

What Motivates a Rinjani Trek?

The crater rim trek is challenging, but the rewards are breathtaking vistas.

The summit’s rocky, black dirt descends into a beautiful valley teeming with vibrant greens and purples that don’t seem to belong in nature.

The stunning turquoise hue of Lake Segara Anak, which is tucked away at the base of the enormous crater, is a reflection of the seas of Lombok.

Mount Barujari, an active volcano on the lake’s edge, continuously shoots ominous clouds of smoke into the sky.

Additionally, the sky is covered in stars at night that appear to be painted on.

The most compelling reason to ascend Mount Rinjani is to push your body and mind, go firmly outside of your comfort zone, and be able to exclaim, “Hell yes, I did it!” despite the breathtaking vistas.

If that suits you, continue reading to learn everything there is to know about…

How to Arrange Your Magnificent Hiking Experience on Mount Rinjani

Are You Able to Manage a Rinjani Trek?

I’ll be honest: we approached the Mount Rinjani hike a little too casually. Yes, we had read the reports about how difficult it was supposed to be, but we are seasoned hikers who have completed decades of strenuous mountain treks.

How much more difficult might hiking Mount Rinjani get?

It turns out that Rinjani hiking is difficult. really difficult.

The first 8 kilometers of the Rinjani walk is an elevation gain of 1500 m. The last 4 kilometers, which take around 4 hours, see the most elevation change.

Yes, that is a mere kilometer per hour.

The terrain is incredibly steep, sandy, and poorly maintained, which only serves to exacerbate the situation.

On your ascent of Mount Rinjani, be ready to have your body and will tested to the absolute maximum unless you’re a real superman or a trail running hero.

And today is only the start.

Hikers can reach the top for dawn on the second day, which begins in the middle of the night. An further 1000 meters of elevation gain must be made to reach the top along a narrow path made of loose, slick scree.

That’s freezing up there as well. The temperature is close to freezing even in August.

It should be a relief to descend after all that climbing. Rather, it appears to go on for days, needing steely knees, a great sense of humor, and all the hamstring muscle you can conjure.

What Kind of Trekking Tours Are Available in Rinjani?

Where Should I Begin—Sembalun or Senaru?

The Rinjani National Park has two primary entrances.

You may climb up from Senaru or from the settlement of Sembalun. Hikes lasting three or four days take you uphill from one community to the next.

The way the trails are laid out makes Sembalun a great place to start.

The rise from Sembalun is sandy and steep on the first day. Going the other way seems like it would be quite harsh.

It would also be quite difficult to go the opposite way due to the steep and rough drop to the crater lake.

For a less traveled path, inquire about less frequented paths such as the trails from Aik Berik or Torean when scheduling a private trip. We regret not learning about them before to our hike!

In Rinjani, how many nights?

Two nights and three days

The 3-day, 2-night journey is the most popular option, and the one we suggest. This allows you just enough time to explore the crater lake and hot springs in addition to climbing to the peak.

How Is the Cuisine During a Rinjani Trek?

We were shocked to find full-fledged camp kitchens being set up by all of the guides and porters on the summit during our first day’s lunch break.

On a lengthy trek in Canada, you’re lucky to find a squished peanut butter sandwich for lunch.

You receive an abundance of freshly made rice crackers, fried veggies, tempeh, and all the rice you can eat on Rinjani. For dessert, there’s a huge fruit dish. That only applies to the vegetarian choice!

This was not an uncommon dinner. Everything that we observed being given to other trekkers and that we ate while on Rinjani was plenty and freshly prepared. We never ever managed to complete our meals since there was so much of it.

On Rinjani, Where Do You Sleep?

You’ll spend the night curled up in a tent at a campground near the lake or on the edge of a crater.

Though it was a little too little for our large frames, our tent was tidy and contemporary! The camp pillows were spotless, and the sleeping bags had just been cleaned.

However, there won’t be much privacy at your campsite because hundreds of other hikers will be set up just next to you.

How Much Does a Trekking Tour in Rinjani Cost?

The cost of hiking Rinjani varies greatly, according on the firm you choose, where and when you make your reservation, and the tour package you select. I’ve seen quotes for such excursions range from $80 to $450 US.

Steer clear of the cheapest providers as many do not offer basic amenities like as a toilet tent, waste pack-out, quality sleeping bags, and an expert guide.

When you make reservations after arriving in Lombok, you can save money. Just be careful to choose the Rinjani trekking company you want to work with so you can research them and ask the important questions.

It is preferable to make reservations in advance if you don’t have time to go about Lombok seeking for a tour that is available. View a few of the tours that I’ve provided links for on this page.