
5 Benefits of Joining the Marines: A Deep Dive


The motto of the United States Marine Corps is Semper Fidelis, which translates to “always faithful.” The expression refers to the brotherhood/sisterhood and kinship among Marines, as those who have served or are serving today are aware. But not everyone is aware of the additional advantages of enlisting in the Marines.

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Continue reading if you’re considering enlisting in the Marines. These are the top five advantages of being a Marine. This blog article will discuss the advantages of enlisting in the Marines and why it’s a wise choice for recent college graduates, high school grads, and veterans to join the nation’s most cherished Corps.

#1: Individual Development

First and foremost, enlisting in the Marines presents a chance for leadership and personal development. You will be a member of an organization that respects self-control and leadership as a Marine. These attributes are necessary for career advancement in the Marines as well as in civilian life. You will be able to enroll in leadership courses such as Officer Candidate School, Sergeants Course, and Corporals Course. Marines are taught to set a positive example and face difficult circumstances head-on.

In addition, have you ever seen a Marine who is out of shape? Not exactly, but one of the many advantages of joining the Marines is that physical training will help you get into amazing physical shape.

#2: Take many of trips and then even more

You’ll also get the opportunity to travel and encounter various cultures. There are opportunities for you to live abroad and see different cultures because the Marine Corps maintains bases all around the world and Marines serve on select U.S. Navy ships. Did we also mention that U.S. embassies are guarded by Marines worldwide? You get the chance to see the world when you serve as a Marine. For recent college or high school graduates who haven’t had the opportunity to travel or see other cultures, this may be helpful.

It’s far nicer to travel on Uncle Sam’s expense than to pay for it yourself. Not to add that, unlike most holidays, Marines frequently go overseas for a prolonged length of time rather than just a few days or a week.

#3: A Consistent Salary

Third, enlisting in the Marines may provide stable finances. You’ll receive a reliable salary, health insurance, and several other perks, such as the GI Bill, which pays for housing, books, and tuition for veterans who have spent multiple years on active service. For recent high school graduates who wish to continue their education but lack the funds to do so, the GI Bill is a fantastic option. In addition to offering initiatives like the Marine Corps Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL), which assists active-duty Marines in obtaining certifications in their military occupational specialization (MOS), the Marine Corps places a high importance on education.

While serving in the Corps, you will definitely make more money than a non-skilled entry-level civilian employment, even if it’s unlikely that you would become a billionaire. Yes, you will probably pick up lifelong talents that you can employ.

#4: A Feeling of Direction

Fourth, a feeling of purpose is provided by the Marine Corps. Being a Marine is about more than simply doing a job; it’s about giving back to your nation and joining a community of people who are changing the world. The courage, honor, and dedication of the Marines to their nation and fellow Marines are well-known. Joining the Marines may provide people a feeling of fulfillment and purpose that goes beyond just a job.

For instance, the majority of people have probably heard about the flag-raising ceremony atop Mount Surabachi, but if you were a Marine stationed there, you were present for that momentous occasion. History is made by some, read about by others.

#5: You Deserve the Title

Lastly, being a member of the Marines entails belonging to a brotherhood or sisterhood. Marines establish bonds that are unmatched by any other group. You’ll make friends for life and join a family of people who have similar experiences. It’s a community as much as a profession, and the support network is amazing. A fellow Marine will be by your side no matter where you travel in the world.

Because their training is regarded as the most rigorous of all the military branches, Marines are a close-knit community. They also take pleasure in being The Few, The Proud, because they are smaller than the other branches.

In summary

To sum up, enlisting in the Marines offers benefits beyond employment. It’s a chance for brotherhood/sisterhood, travel, financial security, and personal development. It’s worthwhile to think about the advantages of joining the Marines if you’re a veteran, recent college graduate, or high school graduate. The Marines provide both a job and a feeling of purpose, for those who want them. You will have life-changing consequences from your choice, and Marines develop lifelong friendships. However, be prepared.

Additionally, there are rare instances of veterans from other services entering the Marines, despite the fact that there are many examples of former Marines joining other branches of the military once their time in the Corps is over. The secret to becoming a Marine is preparation—both mental and physical—and realizing that you are no longer a member of any other service.