

An Overview and Critique of Industrial Banks or Loan Companies

An industrial bank is a state-chartered financial organization that is not subject to federal banking agency regulation and is often held by a commercial company. Industrial banks take deposits from clients and lend money to individuals and small companies. Read…


Alternative Investments: What Are They? Definition and Illustrations

A financial asset that does not fit into one of the traditional investment categories is called an alternative investment. Traditional categories consist of cash, bonds, and stocks. Alternative investments can include private equity or venture capital, hedge funds, managed futures,…


A manual on licensing for mortgage brokers

Do you want to work as a mortgage broker? This comprehensive tutorial explains how to obtain a mortgage broker license in the United States. Read More: Mortgage broker license What are the duties of mortgage brokers? Mortgage brokers represent customers…


Liquidate: What Is It?

Liquidate refers to the process of selling real estate or other assets on the open market in order to convert them into cash or cash equivalents. Similar to closure, liquidation is the process of dividing up a company’s assets among…


Ten Pointers for Long-Term Investing Success

Even though there is a lot of volatility in the stock market, investors may increase their chances of long-term success by adhering to a few tried-and-true rules. Read More: investment tips Some investors stick onto failing equities in the hopes…


Your comprehensive guide to learning how to file taxes

A growing profession that provides the community with a valued and essential service is tax preparation. Read More: TAX PREPARATION But how can one become a preparer of taxes? What kind of credentials are required? What resources are at your…


Your comprehensive guide to learning how to file taxes

A growing profession that provides the community with a valued and essential service is tax preparation. Read More: Tax Preparation But how can one become a preparer of taxes? What kind of credentials are required? What resources are at your…


How Can You Protect Yourself Against Counterfeit Money?

Every day, the realm of counterfeit money expands. Once limited to the domains of expert counterfeiters and covert operations, counterfeit money has now become commonplace, spreading internationally and influencing our day-to-day dealings. In actuality, counterfeit money is spreading far more…



閱讀更多: 物業一按 抵押貸款是一種用於購買或維護房屋、土地或其他房地產的貸款。 借款人同意逐步償還貸款人,通常是透過本金和利息分攤的多次一致分期付款。 然後,該資產用作抵押以獲得貸款。 借款人必須確保他們符合一系列標準,包括最低信用評分和首付,然後透過他們的首選貸方申請抵押貸款。 在抵押貸款申請結束階段之前,需要進行廣泛的核保程序。 不同的抵押貸款類型,例如固定利率或常規貸款,由借款人的需求決定。 房屋貸款如何運作 抵押貸款允許個人和公司購買房地產,而無需預先支付全額要價。 在一定期限內,借款人償還貸款和利息,直到他們成為財產的唯一所有者。 大多數傳統抵押貸款完全攤還。 這意味著,儘管定期付款的金額不會改變,但本金和利息的分配將隨著貸款期限內的每次付款而變化。 抵押貸款期限通常為 15 或 30 年。 財產留置權或財產債權是抵押貸款的其他名稱。 如果借款人拖欠抵押貸款,貸款人可能會取消該房產的贖回權。 例如,住宅購買者可以將其房屋抵押給貸方,從而授予貸方對該資產的債權。 如果買方拖欠貸款,這可以保證貸方對房產的權益。 如果發生喪失抵押品贖回權的情況,抵押貸款人可以佔有該房屋,將其出售,並利用所得款項來結清未償餘額。


Mortgage Recommendation

A loan secured in opposition to your property, primarily based on affordable repayments. This service is provided by StepChange Financial Solutions, a half of StepChange Debt Charity. Not sure how a mortgage dealer works, or whether a mortgage broker or…