
Video Game Lawyers & Attorneys: Who Are They?

A lot of the regulations that apply to the creation of video games are outdated in relation to modern methods and technologies. This can make it difficult for video game firms to comply with the law. Working with a knowledgeable video game lawyer is essential if you are in the video game creation industry. You may find the ideal video game lawyer for your particular needs via Tech and Media Law’s on-demand marketplace.

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IP Defense

Video game developers depend on their intellectual property to be successful, but protecting their IP is trickier than it is for most other goods. Since the efficacy of a single legal tool is constrained, video game attorneys combine many IP safeguards to optimize the safeguarding of your priceless creations.


Video game sound effects, music, coding, and artwork are all protected by copyright laws since they are creative works. Any work produced by your staff while doing regular job tasks is immediately protected by copyright, granting your business the only authority to market, distribute, manufacture, adapt, and exhibit such work. It is not necessary to register this copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office, but doing so legally gives you more protection for your video games and gives you the ability to take legal action against any infringers.

Your video games aren’t completely protected by copyrights, though. Copyright law just safeguards an idea’s particular manifestation. It offers little defense against someone “stealing” the core concept of a video game and recreating it with distinct graphics, voices, soundtracks, and programming. Therefore, only the game’s “expressive elements” are subject to copyright protection—not the mechanics, features, or regulations of video games. This implies that other businesses may create comparable games to rival yours. It is crucial to speak with a knowledgeable video game lawyer about further IP protection strategies, such as trademarks and carefully thought-out lawsuits against “substantially similar” works.


Any brand has to be protected by trademarks. Once registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, any unique marks that serve as a representation of a business may be protected under federal trademark law. But in the case of video games specifically, trademarks are much more crucial. Sometimes trademarks are applied to avatars, pictures, and other gaming components, adding another level of IP protection against infringement. To make sure all the bases are covered, a comprehensive IP strategy is essential for video game production.

Open Source

Open source code is a common feature among game makers. Naturally, this is permitted, but it’s crucial to confirm what obligations you have after using the open source code. Copyleft clauses are included in certain open source licenses, requiring derivative works to utilize the same license as the original work. It is important to thoroughly evaluate the legal ramifications of open source code before integrating it into your finished product or before granting a license for your original work.

Agreements for Independent Contractors

Freelance programmers and artists are frequently used by video game producers to assist with the creation of visuals and other game components. Anything that independent contractors create isn’t always the intellectual property of the business paying for the job since the independent contractor relationship isn’t protected by the work-for-hire concept. Rather, until it is transferred, the freelancer is the owner of the copyright. You could be obliged to license work that has already been created, prohibited from utilizing the work in any way, or even lose the work to a rival prepared to pay a higher licensing cost if this procedure is not clearly outlined in the independent contractor agreement.

The ownership of work developed and several other legal concerns related to the video game industry must be addressed explicitly in every non-disclosure agreement and independent contractor signed for work on video games. Seeking the assistance of a knowledgeable lawyer with experience in video game law to draft the standard agreements your business uses is the best way to make sure all your bases are covered.

Conditions of Use

Each video game has its own terms of service, which serve as guidelines for how to play and utilize the product. Additionally, terms of service serve as disclaimers, shielding development businesses from unforeseen obligations. Video game terms of service should be carefully crafted to reduce developer risk, restrict responsibility, and shield your game from expensive litigation or consumer protection prosecutions.

Privacy and Data Protection

All video games, especially those that allow many players to play simultaneously via the internet, must abide by data protection rules and have appropriate security measures included in the code. Developers must be aware of these legal difficulties even in the early phases of development since all data protection must be incorporated into the code at an early level. It is important for developers to think about privacy measures as early in the process as feasible, rather than fighting to produce effective changes later on.

Digital Morality

There is still much discussion in the field of video game law about digital ethics and video game ethics, despite the fact that few specific legislation have been created in this area. Hate crime laws may apply to controversial game components that disparage a protected civil rights group, and similar legislation may be violated by demeaningly sexualizing characters. Furthermore, unlabeled unsuitable information for minors might violate further legal statutes. Bullying that takes place on your platform might potentially result in legal action against your firm. The Entertainment Software Rating Board accepts game submissions and assigns a score based on both content and age suitability.

You have the freedom to express yourself freely and to depict characters in your games anyway you see appropriate, but if you don’t take digital ethics into account while creating your games, you run the risk of offending people or breaking the law. As these laws change, a video game lawyer can offer you advice.

Video Game Awards: Probability vs skill-based games

To encourage player participation and competitiveness, video game producers have frequently employed tournament awards and other such incentives. Regretfully, if these incentives are not given out properly, developers or tournament organizers may find themselves in legal hot water. Gaming is heavily controlled in several states. The Unlawful Internet gaming Enforcement Act even places federal control over any online gaming.

Giving out a reward may not seem like gambling to you, but “games of chance” are included in the definition of gambling. Any gift that doesn’t need talent to win, such a drawing or random winner selection, is essentially a lottery and has to be registered with the appropriate state and federal authorities in order to be accepted. If not, the Illegal Gambling Business Act may punish you. In most cases, however, video game competitions may stay out of trouble with the law by making sure that the rewards are given out only to the best competitors. Games of skill are often unregulated, and it is permissible to give out prizes for winning a video game or for having the greatest score based on another objective criterion. A lawyer can provide you with advice on whether your game will be classified as a game of skill or chance if you intend to provide participants rewards.


What is a publicity right, and what does it have to do with video games?

According to state law, a person has the economic right to sell their likeness, which is known as the Right of Publicity. This implies that you cannot promote your goods without someone else’s name, image, voice, or character. Certain state statutes pertaining to right of publicity permit the use of a deceased person’s likeness in a video game, even years after the person’s passing. It is OK to parody characters, however it is not permitted to explicitly depict a well-known individual in a for-profit video game. It might be helpful to speak with a lawyer if you are unsure of where the line is.

Which additional legal matters may attorneys for video games assist with?

Many. Since video game law is a relatively new specialization, it covers a broad range of legal topics. A video game lawyer is the ideal choice if you work in the video game development industry and need specialist protection against any legal problems for your business.