
Which cannabis strains are the most often used?

There are several subspecies and variations of cannabis. OG Shark, Afghani, and Skywalker are among of the most often used strains among those who use cannabis for pain relief. Read more about Buy Marijuana Strains Australia by visiting our website and if you have any questions related to this topic, connect with us.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and other chemicals are present in varying amounts in each strain of cannabis. In order to produce hybrids and certain strains, farmers and cultivators have long been breeding various types with particular traits.

Manufacturers cultivate the plants to have a specific appearance, flavor, and impact on the consumer, and then brand them appropriately.

People’s own experiences are now the main source of information on the effects of various cannabis strains. There is still more work to be done in this area, even though researchers are looking at how different cannabis strains affect various medical ailments.

To find out more about the most common cannabis strains, continue reading.

Cannabinoid strains: what are they?

The Cannabaceae family of plants is the ancestor of all cannabis strains. Although some individuals believe that Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa are distinct species, some specialists believe that they are the two primary subspecies.

Cultivators choose a range of characteristics to generate a strain that yields the desired benefits. This is comparable to the method used by breeders to produce certain traits in dogs.

Cannabis cultivars are frequently classified as hybrid, sativa, or indica. A hybrid strain is one that was produced by fusing sativa and indica strains.

In order to create new strains with certain traits, several growers crossbreed cannabis plants. According to experts, there are more than 700 different types of cannabis.

The amount of THC in a cannabis strain is one of its most crucial features. Although there are guidelines for identifying each strain, many manufacturers do not follow them when naming their goods.

Despite these categories, humans are unable to determine the precise amount of THC in a given plant based only on its physical characteristics due to hybridization and crossbreeding.

According to experts, a cannabis plant’s height, branching, or leaf appearance cannot be used to infer its content.

Analyzing a cannabis-derived product with a biochemical test is the sole method to determine its chemical makeup.


THC and CBD have been the subject of the majority of studies on cannabis’s potential medicinal benefits to date.

The optimal dosages of THC and CBD for different medicinal illnesses or recreational purposes are yet unknown to researchers and professionals.

THC and CBD are both cannabinoids, but because they target distinct parts of the brain, they have different physiological effects.

A 2020 article claims that users of items with a higher THC level may feel euphoric and more sensitive to color and taste, among other psychotropic effects. But THC can also cause paranoia and anxiety.

Conversely, CBD does not cause intoxication. When consuming CBD, some users experience modest physiological benefits like decreased anxiety.

According to research on animals, CBD may have neuroprotective benefits for the brain and assist with pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Indica vs. Sativa

Because of their morphological traits, these species are classified biologically under the labels indica and sativa. The leaves of cannabis indica plants are wide and dark green, and they are shorter. Cannabis sativa plants have thinner, lighter green leaves and grow higher.

These labels were once used to distinguish between various cannabis plants based on their effects and the amount of THC or CBD they contained. These statements appear to be refuted in an article published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.

It was once thought that Cannabis indica plants had higher concentrations of CBD. In order to achieve a more “relaxed high,” growers and dispensaries began marketing strains developed from indica.

On the other hand, strains originating from Cannabis sativa with higher THC content would produce a more energizing high.

Even if this categorization system were accurate, there is no way to be certain that any strain name is accurate, therefore many experts warn against making such a broad generalization.

No outside organization verifies which strain names are indica, sativa, or hybrid.

Manufacturers of cannabis products must conduct a biochemical analysis to determine the precise ingredients.

It is simple to understand why there is still discussion over this subject. Since cannabis is a complicated plant, there doesn’t yet appear to be a clear or straightforward method to group the different strains according to their “effect on the user.”

Experiences with cannabis strains might vary from person to person.

In brief

People need precise knowledge on the effects of various cannabis strains for both medicinal and recreational uses since cannabis is more accessible than ever before.

People and physicians may select the best product by being aware of the physiological and mental impacts of cannabis plants as well as their makeup.

To produce novel strains with varying concentrations of THC, CBD, and several other physiologically active substances, cannabis producers crossbreed cannabis plants.

Every plant may have a variety of therapeutic and recreational uses. To learn more about this intricate plant and how it affects people, researchers must do more research.