
The Top 10 Most Typical Reasons for Blocked Drains and Their Solutions

Do the drains in your house or place of business have blockages? Then you are not by yourself. Although clogged and blocked drains are a widespread issue, they are luckily typically rather simple to resolve. If you have clogged drains, continue reading to find out what can be the cause and how to unclog your drains.

Read More: Blocked Drain

The largest object ever extracted from a clogged drain was a massive nine-foot python that was found in Queensland, Australia. This is an interesting fact! Thus, if your drain is clogged, it’s important to be aware of what can lie below ground.

The top 10 reasons why drains get clogged and solutions are listed below:

1) Oil, fat, and grease

Grease, fat, and oil are among the most frequent reasons kitchen drains get clogged. It is simple for grease, fat, and oil to get lodged in pipes and plug drains. This is particularly true if significant volumes are flushed down the toilet or poured down the drain. Grease, lard, and oil should not be poured down the drain in order to prevent clogged drains. Rather, use a paper towel to clean them up and dispose of them in the trash. Grease and oil can also be placed in a plastic container and disposed of with ordinary rubbish.

To assist keep the drain clean, you may also put one or two cups of hot water from your kettle down the sink. This will assist in melting any fat, grease, or oil and maintain a clear drain.

If an obstruction in your kitchen sink is stubborn and won’t go away, a qualified plumber might need to use a high pressure jetter to remove it.

2) Soap residue

Everyone has encountered the slick, slimy film of soap scum that appears to accumulate on their plumbing fittings. However, did you realize that it may also result in clogged drains? Yes, if soap scum builds up in the pipes, it can lead to drainage issues.

Tiny particles known as soap scum accumulate over time in your pipes, making it difficult for water to pass through them easily. Additionally, it may turn into a haven for bacteria and other microbes that cause obstructions.

Thankfully, there are a few easy actions you may do to avoid this issue. To start, you may lower the quantity of soap scum that enters your plumbing by installing an aerator on your tap. Every month or so, you should also use a drain cleaner to break down any soap scum that has already accumulated before it becomes worse. Lastly, if you see indications of a more significant blockage, you might want to contact a licensed plumber. A plumber may examine your pipes and offer you professional guidance on how to maintain the efficiency of your drains.

3) The roots of trees

In plumbing, tree roots can be a challenging problem. They may quickly get into your pipes, clogging them completely and leaving you with an annoyingly clogged drain. In most situations, calling a licensed plumber is the only method to remove the obstruction. A plumber can remove the tree roots and return your plumbing system to normal by using specific tools and methods. If you suspect that your drainage system is being obstructed by tree roots, you should take immediate action since these roots have the potential to spread and become more problematic over time. To determine the precise location of the obstruction and provide advice on the best method of removal, Sinks N Sewers uses a drain camera in conjunction with an above-ground finder. This ensures that, should the pipe need to be dug up, we are only excavating where necessary.

4) Ground coffee

Coffee grinds may build up in drains very rapidly, clogging them and causing a clogged shower or sink drain. It’s crucial to always dispose of your old coffee grounds properly—don’t flush them down the sink—to prevent this. If you want to unclog a drain quickly, use a plunger to remove as much of the accumulated coffee grinds as you can. Then, run hot water down the drain to flush out any leftover grinds. You might need to hire a professional to assist you unclog your drain if this doesn’t work.

5) Hair

Everyone has experienced unexpected blockage in their shower drain, leaving them perplexed and unable to determine the source. Hair is frequently the culprit! Hair from you, your significant other, your pets, or even your guests may easily find its way down your drain and clog it, preventing the water from flowing freely. Preventing the problem is the best course of action; when washing your hair, exercise additional caution to ensure that the least amount of water possible goes down the drain.

If you already have a blockage, consider using a plunger to force the clog down the line or a drain cleaner to loosen it up. It could be time to hire a licensed plumber if these solutions don’t work. They’ll have the equipment necessary to swiftly and simply clear the obstruction, allowing you to resume your regular shower schedule.

6) Sanitary goods

Keep sanitary items out of your drain at all costs, since they are a typical cause of clogged drains. While toilet paper is made to dissolve and flush easily, sanitary goods might be more difficult to get through pipes. This implies that they might obstruct the flow if they get trapped in a trap or pipe junction. Disposing of sanitary items in the trash is preferable to flushing them down the toilet. Seek assistance from a licensed plumber if sanitary items are the cause of your obstruction. They can assist you in removing the obstruction without causing any harm to your pipes.

7) Food wastage

One of the most common causes of clogged drains is food waste. Food leftovers may appear innocuous at first, but they may soon accumulate and lead to serious problems. You should be aware of what goes down the sink if you frequently whip up a storm in the kitchen. Food crumbs may quickly adhere to the walls of pipes and cause clogs, so only flush water down the toilet. In the event that food waste does cause a clogged drain, a plumber ought should be able to assist you in clearing it. As an alternative, you can try breaking it up and clearing the clog using a plunger or vinegar and baking soda.

8) Playthings

As unbelievable as it may sound, children’s toys frequently wind up down your drains. Children frequently leave their toys outside, where they may quickly wash away if you’re not cautious. Water may start to build up in your drains as a result of this. The easiest method to prevent this issue is to always be on the lookout for anything that could slide down the drain, particularly if you have little children living in your home. Before you can unclog the drain, you must take out any toys that may have become lodged in it. The simplest method for doing this is to grasp it with a pair of pliers or tongs and then remove it.

9) Mud and dirt

Mud and grime frequently find their way down your drains, particularly in the rainier months. This has the potential to build up and clog your pipes over time. Making sure your outside drains are adequately covered is the best approach to prevent this issue from arising since it will prevent dirt and mud from ever getting into the system. Additionally, you want to routinely check and clean your exterior drains, making sure that any buildup of dirt or filth is removed. In the event that a blockage is discovered, you might need to call a plumber to come unclog it.

10) Foliage

One of the main causes of clogged drains might be fallen leaves. Leaves that build up in your gutter have the potential to wash down into your drains and potentially cause a clog. Make sure you routinely clear your gutters of any leaves or debris that has accumulated there to avoid this from happening. Should you observe that the water is draining more slowly than normal, it can be because of a leaf obstruction. In this instance, calling a plumber to snake the drain and clear the obstruction is the best course of action. In the long term, doing this quickly may save you a great deal of trouble and money.

In summary

If left unattended, blocked drains may be a nuisance and can result in significant harm to your home. Some reasons, such tree roots and food waste, are beyond our control, but many common causes, including grease, fat, and oil, may be avoided with good care and upkeep. Thankfully, there are answers available for every issue. You are guaranteed to discover the ideal solution for your specific problem, whether it be by employing chemical drain cleaners or by hiring a licensed plumber. You can quickly restore the freedom of your drains with a little work and perseverance!